Food FoundryFood Foundry is a growth accelerator program that provides promotion solutions to enhance business growth for catering industries
In our database, United States accounts for 87% of accelerators in the region. United States ranks 1st in North America for the number of accelerators.
Food FoundryFood Foundry is a growth accelerator program that provides promotion solutions to enhance business growth for catering industries
The Research Valley Innovation Center (RVIC) is a science and technology incubator/accelerator formed by The Research Valley Partnership, Inc
Launchpad Digital Health is a next generation accelerator that was just named the #4 digital health investor worldwide for the past 12 months by CB Equity. Launchpad is unique because it provides more capital, more time, and more intensity for its portfolio companies and their founders. Each company accepted into the accelerator program receives: 1) more capital in the form of up to a $500,000 investment, 2) more time commitment in the form of a full one year-long program co-located with other startups in the digital health sector and the Launchpad Digital Health founders, and 3) more intensity in the form of daily and weekly engagement with Lauchpad Digital Health's founders, partners, and mentors as critical business decisions are made continuously with advisors assisting all along the way. The founders of Launchpad Digital Health have funded and operated companies throughout the healthcare and technology sectors, including digital health companies, for the past two decades.
Total amount:1408
335.1 Million
newRegional Rank
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