Global Map > Coworking spaces > South America > Brazil > Belo Horizonte > DESK Coworking
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DESK Coworking

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O DESK Coworking is a shared office with full infrastructure where professional independent areas can perform their activities , interact with other professionals and generate networking.<br />***********<br />O DESK Coworking &eacute; um escrit&oacute;rio compartilhado, com infra-estrutura completa, onde profissionais de &aacute;reas independentes podem desempenhar suas atividades, interagir com outros profissionais e gerar networking.<br /><br />Voc&ecirc; encontrar&aacute; servi&ccedil;os de escrit&oacute;rio virtual, escrit&oacute;rio compartilhado, loca&ccedil;&atilde;o de salas de reuni&atilde;o e salas de treinamento, al&eacute;m de salas privativas.