Coronavirus Innovation Map Health Research and Reports Startup Ecosystem Development The most innovative countries and cities in the time of covid-19 The Coronavirus Innovation Map launched together with Health Innovation Index (HIEx) by the UNAIDS and Moscow Agency of Innovations and other global information partners such as Crunchbase, Meetup, and SEMrush, now features hundreds of initiatives and solutions aiming to solve problems caused by the COVID-19 virus as well as to help people cope and adapt […] Written by StartupBlink April 8, 2020March 5, 2021
Coronavirus Innovation Map General Articles Health Startup Ecosystem Development CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) Global INNOVATION STARTUP MAP by StartupBlink With the emergence and clear effect of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), people around the world are dramatically changing all aspects of life. This is an unfortunate circumstance that no one can escape, but as human beings are resilient creatures, we survive, and most importantly, we innovate. We at StartupBlink recognize this change, and we decided to […] Written by StartupBlink March 18, 2020March 12, 2021